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Customer Live Chat | Live Chat Facts That You Must Know

December 4, 2018

What is customer live chat?

We can tell you until we are blue in the face that live chat works. It’s the preferred customer service option for online customers for many reasons. Despite our countless blogs dedicated to the topic though, there are still people out there that have their doubts about how well live chat actually works. Well, we listened and have compiled some statistics that prove just how well live chat works. Let’s take a look at some facts that you must know about customer live chat.

Who can help me with customer live chat?

Important Facts About Live Chat

  • 44% of online consumers think that websites should offer customers the ability to have their questions answered by a live person.
  • 57% of online consumers prefer live chat over other support methods.
  • 31% of customers expect their questions to be answered immediately, while 40% of them demand a response within 5 minutes.
  • 57% of online consumers are likely to abandon their purchase if they can’t quickly get their questions answered.
  • 63% of consumers said they were more likely to come back and buy from a website that has live chat.
  • Customers want an instant popup option. In fact, 27% of online consumers said that they want an instant popup chat box asking if they need any help with their purchase. In addition, you can get 26% more leads and 17% higher conversion by having the instant popup chat box.

Why should I try customer live chat?

Are You Interested in Customer Live Chat?

As you can see, your customers don’t just want live chat, they demand it. Statistics show that live chat leads to not only more purchases but also repeat business. If you are interested in using live chat but don’t have the ability to run it yourself, consider using us at Digital LeadSource. Contact us today to learn more and to start your 30-day free trial.