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Live Chat Online for My Website | When Will I See Results?

October 5, 2017

why do i need live chat online for my website

Email is the new snail mail. And phone calls are no longer as instant as they once were. Live chat online for my website is the way of the future of lead generation. But, why is that? It’s because the results of live chat services are instant. From the code implementation to a follow-up phone call, live chat can bring in leads in little to no time in between.

When Will Visitors Interact with my Live Chat?

how does live chat online for my website promote interaction

Your website visitors can interact with your live chat window at any time during their stay. This may happen right off the bat, should they be coming to your website with a specific inquiry. However, they could also choose to request your agent’s services while reading a particular page, or if they have questions before checkout. Depending on your business’s industry, you may start to see patterns in when people are choosing to use live chat. As time goes on, you will be able to create canned responses that allow you to answer repeated questions in little to no time.

How Long Should a Live Chat Conversation Last?

People opt to use live chat because it is quick. So, each chat should be quick. The automatic response will prompt the user and you will receive a follow-up. You can then guide them towards a lead. Grab their contact information and pass it on to the appropriate party. Ideally, this should take less than two minutes. Yes, every once in a while, you will run into the stray conversation that seems to be going nowhere. Always keep the goal in mind. Live chat is for lead generation. So, find the balance between customer service and bringing in a potential new customer.

How Should I Follow Up a Lead?

do i need to follow up live chat online for my website

Following up a lead should be quick and easy – just like the actual chat. First, you should document all of the contact information and inquiry for your own records. This will help you in case you need to refer back in the future. Then, send an email with the same information to the appropriate person. Lastly, follow up with a call to confirm that they have the email. Should they not, you can have them opt to have you read them the lead out loud.

Are You Interested in Investing in Live Chat Online for My Website?

Connecting with potential customers and generating quality leads takes next to no time with the simple implementation of a live chat online for my website. You get the chance to learn what your customers need and will be able to bring in new sales with a live chat. So, contact us today to learn more about our services and to test the benefits of Live Chat.