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Customer Support Live Chat | Can Live Chat Lead to Repeat Business?

January 11, 2018

How can customer support live chat help my business?

It has been proven that people are more likely to stay on and return to a website that has a live chat function. In fact, live chat has the highest satisfaction levels for any customer service channel at 73%. Email has a 61% satisfaction rate while the phone has only a 44% satisfaction rate. There is no question that live chat can have a positive outcome on your business. Let’s take a look at how customer support live chat can lead to repeat business.

Builds Trust with Your Customers

When you walk into a physical store, the retailer gets the chance to build a rapport with you during the sales process. This helps build trust and increases the chances of making a sale. With live chat, you can do the same thing online. Consumers are naturally skeptical of buying things from people they don’t know. With live chat though, you can have a direct conversation with your buyer that allows you to build trust and close the gap between online and offline purchases. In fact, 90% of all online customers said seeing the “live chat” button appear when they go on a website makes them more likely to stay.

What are the benefits of customer support live chat?

Keep in Contact with Visitors

Unfortunately, not every visitor to your website will instantly become a buyer. That’s just how the world works both online and offline. Without live chat, all you can do is hope that they find their way back to your website eventually. With live chat though, you can collect information about them and turn them into leads. By asking them for their contact information, you not only are able to identify an existing customer but by asking for their name you can provide a more personalized customer experience. 63% of all online consumers are more likely to return to a website that offers live chat.

How does customer support live chat benefit me?

Are You Thinking About Customer Support Live Chat for Your Business?

Live chat can be an excellent tool to build a rapport with your customer base and get them coming back. If you are looking to generate more leads and start building that rapport, live chat is essential. Request your 30-day free trial today and start seeing the benefits.