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Business Live Chat | The Do’s and Don’ts of Chatting with Clients

March 12, 2019

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Customer service is all about the service your company provides to your customers before, during and after they make a purchase. You might wonder why you need to be on their tail all the time. Well, the good news is that you will eventually pay off because it shows how much you value them. Good customer service is an integral part of any business. If you want to generate more leads, increase your conversion rates and engage in a more profitable business, you have to step up your customer service game and you can do that with business live chat.

Do: Be Kind and Patient in Live Chat

No matter what you are going through, always show kindness to your customers. Even if you have explained something to them a number of times you still have to be patient enough to repeat it over and over while maintaining a kind and even tone until they get it. The kindness and patience you have shown them will go a long way and they will appreciate you for it.

Don’t: Joke Around, No Matter How Friendly Your Customer Appears to Be

Although it would be a joy to make people laugh, in a professional setting, interjecting jokes is inappropriate because you don’t know what your customers are going through. You also won’t be able to know if that particular joke would offend them. To be safe, keep the jokes to yourself and just be friendly and professional when you are dealing with them via chat.

Don’t: Pry or Ask Irrelevant Questions

Only ask questions that are relevant to the situation at hand. Don’t ask them personal questions that are unrelated to the issue because it will come off as prying. Stick to the problem or concern at hand.

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Looking for More Information About Business Live Chat?

Shopping isn’t always a breeze for everyone. There are customers who have questions, customers who are confused, customers who need assistance, customers who need your expert opinion and so on. These concerns can be addressed right away with business live chat. At Digital LeadSource, we offer a managed website live chat service that helps increase the number of leads your business gets online. Visit us at our site to learn more.