" /> In today’s online marketplace, live chat is almost a necessity. Without it, there is a good chance that you are losing business to the competition. One of the reasons that live chat is so vital is because of its versatility. Sure, it’s just one program but it can do many different things. Let’s take a look at some of those help desk support services that live chat can offer. Customer service is by far the most popular use for live chat. When people visit your website, they need the ability to talk to a representative just like they would in a store. Up until now, the only real options for that were the phone and email. Both are largely inefficient and time consuming for both sides. Since live chat pops up on each page and is a real-time text chat program, the time in which it takes to resolve a problem is minimal. This leaves more time for you to handle other pressing issues. It also makes the entire purchase experience easier for the customer. The more pleasant the experience, the more likely that the customer will come back in the future. In addition to customer service, live chat is a great way to cultivate new leads and gather important information. For someone that is new to your website, they might want more information about you and your company. You can provide all that information in a convenient and laid back environment. While talking to the new prospective customer, you can learn more about them and even gather some important information from them that can be used in future marketing efforts. At Digital LeadSource, we know that in some cases you simply aren’t able to run live chat yourself. That’s where we come in. We will run your live chat for you, while you focus on running your business. Contact us today to learn more and to start your 30-day free trial.Help Desk Support Services | What Services Can Live Chat Provide?
Customer Service
Lead Generation
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