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Live Chat for Construction Companies | Can Live Chat Be Effective for Me?

September 14, 2018

Why should I try customer live chat?

Many people have this connotation that live chat is only for retail companies. They think that unless they have a product to sell online that live chat can’t help their business. Well, those people would be wrong. Live chat is an effective tool for any website in any field, even if that website isn’t directly selling something. That includes construction companies. Let’s take a look at how live chat for construction companies can be effective for your construction business.

What is live chat for construction companies?

It’s a Great Customer Service Option

Sure, your construction company might not directly sell any products on your website. There’s still a reason you have that website though. Your website can be a great place for customers and potential customers to learn more about your business and even request a quote for a job. Some people, when perusing your website, might even have questions. Wouldn’t you like to be there immediately for them when those questions arise? With live chat, should they want to reach out to you for any reason, they can do so instantly and without even having to leave the website. Many website owners have their live chat service automatically pop up the second someone makes it to their website. This immediately lets the person know that someone is there to help should they need help for any reason. Your customers will appreciate it as well. In fact, websites that offer live chat are more likely to not only get repeat business but also more likely to get referrals than websites that don’t offer it.

Why should I get live chat for construction companies?

Are You Interested in Live Chat for Construction Companies?

Still don’t think live chat is right for you? Do you not think you have the time to dedicate to it? Either way, we have you covered. At Digital LeadSource, we will run your live chat for you. Plus, we offer a 30-day risk-free trial. Contact us today to learn more.