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Customer Support Live Chat | Why Customers Want Live Chat

May 18, 2018

What is live chat for cannabisl companies?

As we continue to transition more to a technology-based market, customer service is still as important as ever. In fact, some would argue that as we become more reliant on technology that it is even more important. Especially since technology is, and likely will never be, perfect. That’s why it is crucial that if you have a website where a product or service is made available, you have a customer service program on it like live chat. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest reasons why your customers want a customer support live chat on your website.

Conversations = Conversions

Live chat does more than just provide customer support. It also converts potential customers into buyers. In fact, 77% of online shoppers want to contact a real person before buying. Live chat encourages potential customers to reach out for support instead of just abandoning their cart and leaving.

What can customers support live chat do for me?

Customer Insights

Live chat delivers valuable data about customer behavior, location, and devices which can help target your marketing and support efforts. Live chat not only allows you to gather important info for marketing purposes though. It also allows you to have conversations with your customers to learn more about them and build a relationship with them so they can trust you. After all the more they trust you, the more willing they will be to make a purchase and even tell their friends and family about you.

How can customer support live chat help me?

Are You Interested in Customer Support Live Chat?

While live chat is a great tool to have if you are a website owner, it can take time and effort to run it successfully. Luckily, if you don’t have the time or manpower to run it, we can do that for you. Contact us today to learn more about our live chat services and to start your 30-day free trial.