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Live Chat for Websites | 3 Reasons You MUST Have Live Chat

May 22, 2018

Who offers live chat for websites?

We have talked at length in this spot about the value of live chat and why you should have it. Chances are if you are reading this though, you still haven’t pulled the trigger and started using it yet. Chances are if you are not utilizing live chat, you are losing business to the competition. Let’s take a look at three reasons why live chat for websites is an absolute must-have.

Sets You Apart

While it might seem like you might be the only one who hasn’t implemented live chat yet, don’t worry you aren’t. Since others are also not using live chat, using the service can set you apart from your competition. Offering live chat to your customers helps you stand out from other similar businesses and ultimately brings you more business. Online consumers are more likely to purchase from a website that offers live chat.

Why should I get live chat for websites?

Low Cost

When it comes to offering customer service, live chat is one of the more cost-efficient options. A simple subscription and a small piece of code added to your site are the only things needed for integration with your site. Also, since it is a simple solution for support, your customer support team can use the training they already received on working with customers. Live chat also allows one customer service agent to handle multiple customers at once, cutting down on staffing requirements.

Offers Immediate Help

Live chat allows your customers immediate access to you. No waiting on hold or waiting for an email to get replied to. With immediate access to you, and the ability to continue browsing while talking to you, the customer will be more likely to make a purchase.

Why should I get live chat for websites?

Are You Looking for Live Chat for Websites?

We know that you don’t always have the time to dedicate to live chat. That’s why we are here! Contact us today to learn about how we can run your live chat service for you and to start your 30-day free trial.